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Opportunity Details

Holiday Wish List- Alternatives Inc

Alternatives Incorporated is a social service organization located in Anderson, Indiana. Our philosophy is all persons have the right to live in a loving, caring, safe and secure environment. We support survivors through the initial crisis with the ultimate strategy of helping them achieve abuse-free and financially independent lives. In recognition of the complex needs of survivors, we draw upon the resources of local communities to support survivors in their quest for peace and security.
Survivors and their families are in need of:
-Baby Shampoo, Wash and lotion
-Bed linens
-Body Wash
-Breakfast Items
-Dryer Sheets
-Textured hair care supplies
- Hair products for textured hair, specifically BIPOC populations; large combs; wide toothed combs & picks
-Facial Tissues/ Kleenex
-Food: cream soups; canned goods; cereal; coffee; vegetables; fruit; juice boxes; snacks
-Hand/Body Lotion
-Hand Towels
-Underwear: all sizes, new only
-Bathroom towels: new only -Gift cards: grocery store, Wal-Mart, Target, Meijer, Gas Cards, Phone Cards
-Sippy Cups
-Slippers: all sizes
- Umbrella strollers
-Women's tennis shoes: all sizes

Volunteers are welcome to order online and have it delivered to the office or drop off to the office themselves. Please contact Ashley Waterbury-Carpenter ((765) 643-0218 or awcarpenter@alternativesdv.org) for questions. 1309 Monticello Dr, Anderson IN 46011

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Civic & Community
Families, Hancock County

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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